

1494 Uppsatser om Bottom ash water - Sida 1 av 100

Vilken preferens har tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) för bottensubstrat och vattenhastighet i Storån, Östergötland?

The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) has a fragmented distribution in southern Sweden. It is a threatened and protected species. In both the Swedish red list and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Unio crassus is classified as Endangered (EN). Causes for this classification are for instance differentiated bottom substrate and deterioration in water quality. In this study, habitat preferences of Unio crassus were investigated to assist in future restoration work.

Utredning av potentiella hälsorisker i samband med slagg- och slaggvattenhantering vid Hedenverket, Karlstad

In this study potential health risks for employees in connection with handling of bottom ash and Bottom ash water at a Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plant have been investigated. Air surrounding the bottom ash and the Bottom ash water has been examined. MWI is one of the primary ways to manage solid household waste, and bottom ash is the main solid residue produced by the incineration process. Bottom ash constitutes about 15-20% of the original waste. The bottom ash is extinguished in a water bath (Bottom ash water).The study was carried out in a MWI plant in Karlstad, Sweden.

Hur såg Birkas hamn ut och vilka transporter behövdes?

What is located on the bottom in the water outside of Birka? Remains of a water palisade or jetties and other constructions.Birka a Viking Age town that existed between AD 750 and 975 was located on the northwestern part of the small island of Björkö, in the Mälar archipelago of the Baltic Sea in Sweden. The Town was protected onshore by a hill fort and a town rampart. It is a widely spread assumption that Birka had a water palisade as a part of its defense. There are logs and other remnants on the bottom of the lake dating back to the Viking age.

Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) med avseende på vattendjup och beskuggning.

The thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) is a red listed species classified as Endangered (EN) and is also considered within the Habitats Directive. The distribution in Sweden is fragmented and it is mostly occurring in the south eastern parts. We investigated the presence of Unio crassus in a section of the stream Storån, Östergötland County, from Falerum to the inflow into Lake Åkervristen. The environmental parameters investigated were water depth, bottom substrate, shading, water velocity and the slope over the water surface. In this thesis I have focused mainly on water depth and shading, comparing sites with and without mussels.

Brunnsviken : Utvärdering av åtgärder för förbättrad vattenkvalitet

Periods of hypoxia are a recurring issue in Brunnsviken. Main factors that trigger hypoxia in Brunnsviken are eutrophication  due to anthropogenic emission of nutrients, stratification in the water column due to salinity and temperature differences  that prevents mixing and a sill inlet that prevents water exchange. As an attempt to improve the oxygen levels, bottom water is pumped from Brunnsviken causing aerated surface water to flow back into the basin.  The objective of this Master?s thesis was to study the change in dissolved oxygen levels due to pumping.

Ämnestransport med grundvatten i hydrogeologiska typmiljöer

Certain types of waste, e.g. bottom ash originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI bottom ash) can be used as road construction materials. A potential problem is the possibility of substances leaching out of the road and spreading in the surrounding groundwater.The aim of this master?s thesis is to conclude whether hydrogeological type settings can be employed to, based on local conditions, provide an estimate of the probable spreading of these substances in the surrounding groundwater, and whether certain types of soils can be identified as being less suitable for the localization of a MSWI bottom ash road. A hydrogeological type setting is defined as a mappable unit with similar hydrogeological properties.

Fällning av kisel från avloppsvatten vid Hellisheidarvirkjun - experimentell studie

This report is about the experiments with mixing of the separated water and the vacuum pump seal water at Hellisheiði power plant. This is done to prevent silica scaling and clogging in pipes and reinjection wells as well as eliminating vacuum pump seal water from the plant. The experiments were done in four stages: the first stage comprised of tests with different flows of separated water at 70°C, the second stage was carried out by mixing the separated water at 70°C and the seal water with different amounts of the seal water, the third and the fourth stages were like the first and second but with the separated water at 120°C. The results show that this method is good if the mixture is around 50/50 separated water and seal water, to control the silica scaling in the separated water and to be able to reinject the seal water with the separated water. This does not eliminate the silica scaling in all of the separated water because the amount of separated water is much more than the amount of seal water that comes from the plant. .

Aktivt system för tidvattenreglering av Lysekilsprojektets vågkraftsteknik

This report investigates a possible solution to the problem with adapting wave powerplants to work in countries with tidal water. The wire connecting the buoy at the surface with the generator at the bottom needs to adjust to the varying water depth. Our solution to this problem is to attach the wire to a jack which is then placed inside the buoy. The jack is then powered by an electric engine. The report discuss what forces the buoy will be exposed to and then the structural integrity of the design is evaluated through simulations.

Vattenbehov och olika system för vattentilldelning till nyavvanda grisar :

We all know that water is very important for both animals and humans. When we are weaning the piglets from the sow we must guarantee that the piglets can start to drink more water instead of sow milk. The first thing to check is always the quality of the water that is to be used. To secure that, you must take a water sample. If the water is inadequate it can bring a lot of problems and diseases.

Översyn av vattenskyddsföreskrifter med tillhörande vattenskyddsområde i Hallstahammars kommun. : Vilka revideringsbehov finns?

Water is an important food and an important natural resource. In order to protect these are the Environmental Code and the EU directive given to water protection and related water protection regulations will be established for all water sources until 2010. Those who will prepare a water protection and related water protection regulations is the municipality or person responsible for water supply. The person then decides and declares the area as water protection and related water protection regulations are municipal or provincial government. The idea of creating a water protection is to protect the water supply and the body of water against pollution caused by point sources, diffuse sources and accidents combined.

Reducering av produktionstryck i A-linan : Förflyttning av produkt

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Inventering av flodpärlmussla i Fylleån norr om Gyltigesjön

Freshwater environments are threatened worldwide, of which many of the species associatedwith freshwater. In 2014, 243 freshwater mussels were on the international Red List. One ofthem is the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, which because of itscomplex life cycle can be counted as an indicator of whether a stream is worth protecting. It's since the early 1900's in decline throughout their range. Sweden is counted as a core area which is why we have not only a national but an international responsibility to conserve the species.

Kommunikation mellan två medium

The aim of this project is to find a concept solution for a wireless transmitting system, installed to transmit data from a hydrophone of the ocean floor down by a wave power generator to the office on shore. The project is a literature review in which previous observations and tests are analyzed and put together to find a solution. The result was a comprehensive solution that includes an acoustic modem to transfer captured information from the bottom to the surface, wirelessly through the water. The information is then sent fron the surface on radio waves through the GSM network to the office on land. Between under and over water there are components to convert information between acoustic waves and radio waves, but also various types of modulation, such as amplitude and frequency modulation is required..

Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi

The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production ofashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material inlandfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to findanother beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with itsmaterial properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surfaceconstructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate iscollected and checked.

Bottensedimentets betydelse för flodpärlmusslans föryngring ? en metodutveckling

The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is an endangered species. To survive, the young mussels demand a fairly coarse bottom material containing an appropriate quantity of organic substrate to survive without suffocating. In order to estimate if a bottom is suitable for juvenile mussels, samples of the sediment are needed. To obtain samples a sampling device called the Mulv collector has been developed within this project. Bottom samples were collected from 18 stations in 4 south Swedish streams, Vramsån, Kling-storpsbäcken, Brönnestadsån and Bräkneån.

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